CENTCOM commander allegedly shoved airman on military flightArmy Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla remains in command as officials investigate the allegations.2 days ago
Fort Leonard Wood soldier faces murder charges in sergeant’s deathSpc. Wooster Rancy is being held in pretrial confinement as he awaits a preliminary hearing on charges of murder and obstruction of justice.3 days ago
Pentagon drops 51 disqualifying conditions as part of recruiting pushPotential recruits with a history of childhood asthma or ADHD will now have an easier route toward enlisting.
How the Beirut bombing of a Marine Corps barracks changed everythingA new book showcases how the 1983 bombing of a Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, paved the way for America's war on terrorism.
Soldiers exposed to new combat realities with expanded training Drill sergeants now serve as squad leaders in field training.
New Marine Corps Museum galleries showcase Iraq, Afghanistan and more "Every artifact tells a story."
Marines barely meet annual recruiting goals, but see encouraging signsThe Marines brought in one member above their enlisted recruiting goal for the ending fiscal year.
These units are getting the Army’s newest rifle and machine gun next Guard, Reserve and active-duty units with a Pacific focus are taking priority, officials said.
How the Marine Corps is retaining a lot of its first-term MarinesMarine Corps recruitment and retention numbers are looking mighty healthy, officials say.
Army hits recruiting target for the first time in 2 yearsThe service has another 11,000 recruits already in the pipeline for next year.